Bunny Forage Treat
Say hello to our bunny! This cute little guy might look familiar, as we have taken the bunny from our logo, supersized him, and made him into a tasty forage treat.
This 100% natural treat is made from delicious dried grass. A sprinkling of aromatic flower mix over the top adds an amazing smell and gives our bunny a beautiful vibrant colour!
Key Features:
- 100% plant based treat,
- Amazing nibble treat for your bun or guinea pig,
- Natural grass bunny, topped with flower mix,
- Suitable for most small animals.
Bunny Forage Treat
Say hello to our bunny! This cute little guy might look familiar, as we have taken the bunny from our logo, supersized him, and made him into a tasty forage treat.
This 100% natural treat is made from delicious dried grass. A sprinkling of aromatic flower mix over the top adds an amazing smell and gives our bunny a beautiful vibrant colour!
Key Features:
- 100% plant based treat,
- Amazing nibble treat for your bun or guinea pig,
- Natural grass bunny, topped with flower mix,
- Suitable for most small animals.
What's in it?
What Animals Is This Suitable For?
Feeding Guide

How much natural forage should I be feeding?
If you ask your bunnies, they will say there is no such thing as too much forage! For the most part, they are correct, you can feed your bunnies as much natural forage as they will eat. We recommend mixing handfuls in with their hay as well as giving handfuls throughout the day. There are certain scenarios where you should limit forage, for example if your rabbit is overweight, you should limit forage that is high in protein & sugars.